How We Work

Choosing the right private child support enforcement agency is an important decision. Receiving the support you are owed can make a tremendous difference in your financial well-being so you must choose an agency you can trust with that responsibility. The key to making the decision easier is doing some simple research before you sign any contract so you’re making an informed choice. Support Collectors encourages you to compare other agencies because we’re confident your research will bring you back. For some guidelines on choosing the right agency, click here ›

Support Collectors has invested a lot of time and effort into making your application process as simple as possible. There are two different ways you can apply for our services, and whichever method you choose, we have customer service specialists ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
On-Line Application: The online application is a quick, easy and secure method to apply for our services and is preferred by the majority of our clients. It allows you to complete a section, log-off, and then log back on at a later time to finish. The on-line application includes plenty of tips to guide you through.
Paper Application: We can e-mail you a link to the paper application or we can send a paper application to you by fax or mail. After the application is complete, you just send it back to Support Collectors.
To apply for our services or to request a paper application, click here.
Before we can begin, we’ll ask you to sign our contract. The contract authorizes us to start working on your behalf and explains the terms of our relationship. We want you to look it over carefully and make sure you understand what it says. If you have any questions, you can always call one of our knowledgeable customer service representatives

Support Collectors’ Government Operations Department is responsible for ensuring we have all of the documents and court orders needed to start working your case. Our Government Operations Specialists have the knowledge and expertise it takes to analyze court orders and complicated interstate issues. The Department maintains a dynamic relationship with state and local child support agencies across the nation to ensure a seamless coordination of efforts.

The goal of the Locate Department is to find the non-custodial parent, his or her employer and any assets or other sources of income. Support Collectors’ Investigation Specialists do this by combining “high tech” and “high touch” approaches.
On the “high-tech” side, Support Collectors’ system “trolls” through a number of special proprietary databases to find leads. If a lead is found, Support Collectors follows-up by personally verifying the accuracy of the information.
On the “high touch” end, Support Collectors uses the traditional labor-intensive investigative approach which is often the most effective on difficult cases. This includes calling the non-custodial parent’s friends, former neighbors and relatives to determine his or her whereabouts. This manual, hands-on technique is part of what distinguishes Support Collectors from government child support agencies that primarily use only automated searches.
If either of these methods fails to give results on the first try, there is no need to be concerned. Your case will not be “shelved” or otherwise ignored. Your case will continue to cycle through our locate process until we find the information we need to move forward.

Many enforcement agencies, public and private, focus their efforts on simply sending multiple letters to the non-custodial parents with the hope it will convince them to pay. Not Support Collectors. Our efforts are geared toward frequent personal communication with the non-custodial parent. Our Enforcement Specialists are expert negotiators trained to persuade non-custodial parents to pay and keep on paying.
In addition to negotiating voluntary payments, Support Collectors also has a number of involuntary remedies at its disposal, including garnishing wages and placing liens on property and assets. In some circumstances Support Collectors hires attorneys to pursue enforcement solutions that are only available through the court.
Unlike government child support agencies, our Enforcement Specialists are assigned manageable caseloads to ensure your case receives the personal attention it deserves. Support Collectors uses on-hands management and specialized software to keep your case “in the loop” and maintain steady, continual enforcement efforts.

Support Collectors processes collections efficiently and accurately. We want you to receive your support as quickly as possible because we know how important it is to you. We maintain exact payment records so we can give proper credit to the non-custodial parent and make sure your contract balance is reduced by the amount of each payment received.

From start to finish, our friendly, knowledgeable Customer Service Representatives are there for you to answer any questions you may have. Whether you need some advice on how to complete your application or have just have some questions about the status of your case, you can reach a Customer Service Representative by calling 1-888-782-4453.