A History of Helping Parents
Are you frustrated because you’re not getting your support? Has your government child support agency been unable to help? Well, the sad news is you’re not alone.
A Reputation of Success and Trust Since 1996
Support Collectors was founded by a single mom who personally experienced the aggravation of not being able to get her child support collected through her government child support office. She understood that the government did its best trying to help her, but no matter how hard they tried there would always be difficult cases like hers – and like yours – that would need some extra effort. She developed a system of teaming investigators with enforcement specialists to provide parents with personalized enforcement solutions. The result was – and still is – success!
Support Collectors is a private child support enforcement agency that has collected millions of dollars of child support and spousal support for thousands of parents all across the nation. Many of our clients are owed $10,000 or more and often haven’t received a child support payment in years. As you might expect, most of our cases are exactly the same type the government struggles with – missing parents, old debt, interstate cases or cases with emancipated children. Our success on these difficult cases fuels our mission to improve the financial security and quality of life of our clients and their children.
As a private agency we are more agile and have more flexibility in designing an enforcement plan that fits your case. We do not use a “cookie-cutter” or “one size fits all” approach. We treat our clients as individuals and their cases as unique situations that require unique solutions. Our innovation, advocacy and teamwork are reflected in our success, and our dedication to client satisfaction is reflected by our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
Support Collectors is a private company so we do charge a fee, but only if we succeed in collecting your support. If we don’t perform, you owe us nothing. It’s that simple.
Are you ready to try something new? Support Collectors is the option with a proven history of success, and it takes only a few minutes to get started.