Craig’s list Sperm Donor may have to pay child support…

Craig’s list Sperm Donor may have to pay child support…

Some may have seen the story in the news about a guy who answered an ad on Craig’s List and signed a contract to donate sperm to a lesbian couple. All was well until the couple broke up and then the state go involved due to one of the moms going on public assistance. Now, the father who donated the sperm, finds himself potentially having to pay child support to the State of Kansas child support for public assistance reimbursement. What happened was the couple broke up and now the state is paying one of the custodial parents public assistance and the state wants to go after someone to recover these funds. Due to the language in the current law in KS, and because a doctor was not used in the process, the state filed a lawsuit. Now the guy that thought he was just donating sperm may be on the hook to pay child support. It’s an interesting case for child support and goes to show you that there are often unintended consequences to even “good deeds”. I’m guessing the donor would think twice or not answer that craigs list ad if given the opportunity again huh? Another example of why you should never answer a Craig’s List Ad. In all seriousness, will be interesting to see how this plays out. Sounds like some laws need to change to reflect our current environment of same sex marriages as well.