Can we help collect child support if you don’t have a court order yet…

Can we help collect child support if you don’t have a court order yet…

I need help… I tried to go through government to get child support and they are not doing nothing… its been 2003 when i got the DNA papers saying he is the father…and they say they are working on it my daughter is turning 13 and not seen a penny…i don’t qualify for help i make too much money…which is crazy I make $9.50 per hr… i cant afford a lawyer…but he can…i need help…the child support people told me to quit calling them…they will let me know when they know something….so i called MO. because its an interstate case and they told me that the case has been sitting on the judges desk for a year 1/2…this is not right…can you help…I dont know what to do… I cry every day because i cant get help with anything…and the dad just had his 5th child and he supports all of them except his first born…HELP…PLEASE

Hi Miki,

I understand your frustration and need for help with your case. I do need to know one thing, is there a court order? From the sound of your email it appears that there is no order in place. If that is the case, unfortunately we cannot assist you. In order to word a file, there needs to be a judge signed order to enforce. If you can give me a few more details of your situation I can better answer the question of if and how we can help.