Per LA Times – billions of dollars in child support go unpaid every year

Per LA Times – billions of dollars in child support go unpaid every year

An interesting article by the LA times,0,2316658.story#axzz2mHc66nRK yet again put the issue of unpaid child support into the spotlight. The article shows that in just last year alone, $14 billion (billion with a B!) went unpaid to american parents. It stated that this amounted to one out of every three dollars that were ordered to be paid! It goes on to state that sadly, only about half of the parents owed support received the full amount they were ordered to receive. The poor are especially hit hardest due to this child support making up a larger portion of their total income. Which means when it’s not received, it has even harsher consequences. Interestingly enough, less and less people are seeking the government’s “child support enforcement” program for help. Whether it’s due to apathy or lack of knowledge of how the system works, that’s very unfortunate since the “free” government services do have some powerful tools at their disposal (such as driver’s license suspension and passport revocation, etc.).

We at Support Collectors always feel that parent’s should just pay the other parent on their own without any government involvement… it’s called doing the right thing. That’s how it should work. Sadly, many parent wouldn’t pay on their own due to bad feelings etc. between the two parents. Therefore, most parents should use the government’s system. A fact that is tough to take is that some men are having children they can’t afford to support. What a selfish cruel thing to do to a child. Support your kids or don’t have them! Parents, if you are owed child support and looking for an alternative way to collect it, let us know. We have collected child support on the tough cases since 1996.